
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

Rocket Power

When was a child I liked very much watch cartoons in the TV, my program favorite was named “Rocket Power”, this cartoon was about the adventure of a group of friends, that were fanatics to the extreme sports between the that stand out the surfing, skateboarding and street hockey, this group was composed for four children Oswald "Otto" Rocket, Regina "Reggie" Rocket, Mauricio "Twister" Rodríguez and Samuel "Sam" Dullard, they lived in a beach of the USA. This program was issued for     nickelodeon channel in the night, I remember seeing it in my bed witch my brother, we both enjoyed this program for the relaxed and funny of his characters but the that most enjoyed was the greeting that has, in fact I memory that of children we imitated their greeting, maybe this is one of the reasons for I liked the series, although many times I could not watch her because of her schedule.


I will like to visit Amsterdam that is the capital city of Netherlands, because is a city very much developed that Santiago of Chile, in varied topics as for example, the topics that most call my attention are your neighborhoods, with your street full of architecture beautiful and history. Also call my attention the language and the mentality of the people, that is very much conscious in topics of the climate change and open of mind. About the city I know that the bike is the transport most use for the inhabitant. Also I know the museum Het Schip and ARCAM. Arrived there I will go to visit the neighborhoods for example the Jordaan, the center, Chinese and red for view the city, your people and architecture. Also I will go parks and restaurants for view your public space and eat your traditional food. To this travel I will go with my brother Alex, because we have like things similar. Jordaan     Vondelpark  the museum Het Schip