
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019

The best club in the world

Hello, I will talk     about my favourite hobby.  Definitely my favourite hobby is to go to the stadium to see the club of my loves, the “Univeversidad de Chile”. since I was a kid I went to the stadium and I liked this. I remember the first day I went, it was one day Sunday, it was cloudy and it was very cold, but none of that took away the emotion I was carrying, I also remember that it was a game versus “La Serena “and I was going with my brother and friends. Since that day never again let got. That day I fell in love with the U. de Chile. this hobby involves having a day of the week just for this or more day in case the match is out of Santiago. For this I just need to collect the money to buy the entrance and the ticket, and my friends. Although for some time I bought a card that is paid annually, which allows me to enter without buying an entry. Because it was more economical. Lately for the time that I invest in studying. I have only been able to go to the local games

It is the event the year

The photo that I present was taken in the summer of 2019, most specifically, the 9th of February. This was taken in the garden of my grandmother house, low a beautiful and big grape vine. The grandmother house is located in the countryside, about of the Chillan city. In the photo appear my 13 cousins on the maternal side and my brother Alex. I like this photo because all the memories beautiful and entertaining that I have about this moment. I remember that at that moment we were all very happy, because we were in the family party and decided to take a picture to take advantage of that we were all the cousins gathered, thing is very hard because we are many, also that we live in different cities, after meeting we realized that we are many so we did not all fit in the quadrant of the photo, so my cousin Jorge and Gustavo they squatting and the rest we squeeze. How funny the photo is that we all look at different sides because there were many of my uncles taking pictures at the same t
Footballer When i was little , i liked very   much the football and play it with friends or any person. From there i started to get interested more and more the football, for things of talent and constancy I never can be footballer professional but for me it still is the best profession and the most entertaining because they play and train the sport most beautiful the world for me, also they can represent and dress the shirt of the club that they like and as if that were not enough they are paid for this. For this job is necessary a little bit of talent, physical qualities, mostly perseverance and discipline. I think would be good footballer because I would play with passion, I do not move the money and I   would have respect for the fans, thing that these days not see, because to the majority of the footballer they are interest the money mast that the fans or club. The footballer that inspire me and I like to much is Francesco Totti because he played all his career in a club