
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

Holidays I've ever had

Hello, I will talk about my best holidays. I really   find it difficult   to choose my best holidays, because I always the enjoy them too much. But definitely the holidays of last summer they were special. Last summer   I remember that the summer they   only lasted a month. I had to enjoy them even more. This is why   whit my friends from the university we organize   a trip to Patagonia, where   a friend would meet us at her house in Coyhaique city.   I remember that when he arrived in Coyhaique, his family was waiting for us with great   joy even though they didn’t know us , that was very nice. During the week that took the trip, we walked an saw beautiful landscapes surrounded by nature for example “Chile Chico” where we camped two nights and had to arrive on a boat   that passes through Argentina. We also traveled the Austral road and “Bahia Mansa” where we could see the “Catedrales de Marmol”. No doubt this was an amazing trip, where we could also met   wonderful people and drink

A country I would like to visit

This week I will talk about a country I would like to visit.   This country is England, more specific     London city.   I would like to visit for various reasons. The fist   is reasons is that when I was a little   boy I has caught my attention the architecture,   but lately that I have learned more in the subject, this interest it has increased. If one day I go this   place that I would visit would be the monuments for example   the Westmister palace, tower bridge, Tower London, Kensigton palace, etc. Also would visit would be the museum, parks and garden like National Gallery, Natural History Museum, St James’s Park, and another place. The second reason is for   the language, since it would help   me a lot to learn about the English.   I would definitely like to go to my place with my brother. With which we would visit all   the mentioned places. Furthermore to going to the London Olympic Stadium, where our favorite England team plays, the West Ham United.