Post Graduate Studies

Hello again, today I will talk about the post grades that I would like to do when I finish my studies as an architect. The truth had never raised me so seriously as to think that I would like to continue studying and where. I remember that when I thought about that, I tried not go around and concentrate on finishing my career first, also I think that I still need to acquire too much knowledge to decide now what I will do in 4 more years.
As I said, I am not sure what or where I would go, but what I do know is that I would like to do too many courses abroad in order to return to Chile at some point and be able to contribute with what I have learned in the city.
This is a subject that often causes me a great dilemma in my mind, since many times I look at this society where I develop daily, the decisions we make and I am greatly disappointed, falling a little in despair, what motivates me to look for another place where maybe things are better, but then I think that I am abandoning the problem and that perhaps the place where my work is most needed is here, so it is a permanent contradiction.


  1. I think that if you think you can be a contribution you must be obviously if you want (:

  2. Traveling to other countries allows you to know different realities and cultures, reflecting on how we are living positively or negatively.


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