My future job

Hi, I will talk about the future work that I would like to do.
Last year I entered to study architecture in the Universidad de Chile, when I applied and enrolled I was not sure what the architects work on.
With a little more than a year of study in the body, I have clearer this doubt that I had at first, I have also been getting to know and discover which area I like best and would like to work in the future as a professional
On the other hand, I also think that I have been studying very little, as to settle a job or area of interest in a definitive way.
But undoubtedly the area of this career that I liked the most and I am interested in deepening is urbanism, this draws me deep attention for the impact it has on people day by day and for its relevance in social problems such as vulnerability, inequality, poverty, etc.
It is for these reasons that I would like to improve in this area so that in the future I can work in a ministry or company that focuses on these social projects, with the motivation of to give people a better quality of life, whit housing and decent spaces and also try to combat these social problems mentioned.
 Sometimes I think that these dreams of fighting these problems may sound a bit utopian or fantastic, but I also like to think that they can be like this and that I will be able to improve this society a bit from urbanism.


  1. I like very much urbanism, its impact on society is very interesting

  2. The good design of a city can greatly improve a person's way of life (:


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