
Global Warming

Hello, today I will talk about my position on global warming. Global warming in broad strokes is an increase in the temperature of the planet, caused by the large emission of greenhouse gases that cannot be released into space, this has been a long process, which has currently led to climate change, the which has generated great natural catastrophes and changes in the nature of the planet. This has led to worldwide talk about this issue, which has generated great controversy and has led to large awareness campaigns on the part of companies, the press and the government. It is here that I have a great conflict with these entities, since in all their mitigation strategies they show as the main responsible and they attach all the blame to the common citizen. Which does not mean that we are not responsible and that we should not become aware of the issue. But in this problem the big people in charge are the industries and companies that nothing is controlled or said, which work and po

Favorite Music Album

Hello, today I will talk to you about my favorite music album, the truth is that music is part of my life and I listen to it every day, however I find it very difficult to select an artist or album, since I have always heard a wide variety of styles and musical artists, such as cumbia, reggae, pop, rock, rap, reggaeton, Chilean music, etc. But to make this more interesting I will talk about an artist that I like too much. This is Silvio Rodriguez, a Cuban singer-songwriter who is also a guitarist and poet, the style he plays is called the “Nueva Trova”, a style that arises is this country in the context of the Cuban revolution. I remember that I discovered it when I was just a child, I heard it sound on my home radio and on my dad who played his guitar songs on weekends. Although it was in my adolescence where a real taste and interest in his music arose, which lasts until today. I like his music because it relaxes me and makes me reflect too much, in addition to his calm voice and

Post Graduate Studies

Hello again, today I will talk about the post grades that I would like to do when I finish my studies as an architect. The truth had never raised me so seriously as to think that I would like to continue studying and where. I remember that when I thought about that, I tried not go around and concentrate on finishing my career first, also I think that I still need to acquire too much knowledge to decide now what I will do in 4 more years. As I said, I am not sure what or where I would go, but what I do know is that I would like to do too many courses abroad in order to return to Chile at some point and be able to contribute with what I have learned in the city. This is a subject that often causes me a great dilemma in my mind, since many times I look at this society where I develop daily, the decisions we make and I am greatly disappointed, falling a little in despair, what motivates me to look for another place where maybe things are better, but then I think that I am abandoning

My future job

Hi, I will talk about the future work that I would like to do. Last year I entered to study architecture in the Universidad de Chile, when I applied and enrolled I was not sure what the architects work on. With a little more than a year of study in the body, I have clearer this doubt that I had at first, I have also been getting to know and discover which area I like best and would like to work in the future as a professional On the other hand, I also think that I have been studying very little, as to settle a job or area of interest in a definitive way. But undoubtedly the area of this career that I liked the most and I am interested in deepening is urbanism, this draws me deep attention for the impact it has on people day by day and for its relevance in social problems such as vulnerability, inequality, poverty, etc. It is for these reasons that I would like to improve in this area so that in the future I can work in a ministry or company that focuses on these social proj

My favorite tv serie

hello today I will talk to you about my favorite tv series. The true I've never been very good at watching movies or TV series, but without a doubt the series that I liked the most has been "El Reemplazante”.   The first time I watched her was in 2012 on public television. I remember that this series was only broadcast one day a week at nigh. This series told the story of a man who worked in the stock market, who for business and money problems went to jail and had to return to the neighborhood where he grew up. Here he had to start his life again, so he started working as a math teacher in a school at social risk. It is in this context that the series begins to develop, which also tells the harsh reality of these students, that "Profe Charly" tries to solve and move forward. I like this series because it shows a reality that many times we don't know or make invisible, so it also has a very important social criticism This series currently has

Holidays I've ever had

Hello, I will talk about my best holidays. I really   find it difficult   to choose my best holidays, because I always the enjoy them too much. But definitely the holidays of last summer they were special. Last summer   I remember that the summer they   only lasted a month. I had to enjoy them even more. This is why   whit my friends from the university we organize   a trip to Patagonia, where   a friend would meet us at her house in Coyhaique city.   I remember that when he arrived in Coyhaique, his family was waiting for us with great   joy even though they didn’t know us , that was very nice. During the week that took the trip, we walked an saw beautiful landscapes surrounded by nature for example “Chile Chico” where we camped two nights and had to arrive on a boat   that passes through Argentina. We also traveled the Austral road and “Bahia Mansa” where we could see the “Catedrales de Marmol”. No doubt this was an amazing trip, where we could also met   wonderful people and drink

A country I would like to visit

This week I will talk about a country I would like to visit.   This country is England, more specific     London city.   I would like to visit for various reasons. The fist   is reasons is that when I was a little   boy I has caught my attention the architecture,   but lately that I have learned more in the subject, this interest it has increased. If one day I go this   place that I would visit would be the monuments for example   the Westmister palace, tower bridge, Tower London, Kensigton palace, etc. Also would visit would be the museum, parks and garden like National Gallery, Natural History Museum, St James’s Park, and another place. The second reason is for   the language, since it would help   me a lot to learn about the English.   I would definitely like to go to my place with my brother. With which we would visit all   the mentioned places. Furthermore to going to the London Olympic Stadium, where our favorite England team plays, the West Ham United.